Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First Confirmation Class for 2010-2011

Last night was the first Confirmation class for 2010-2011 at Oakfield and Tabor. We have grown to a class for four 8th graders! I was warned that they were going to be quiet group. ;-). After our first class, I think they were doing just fine!

Last night we took some time to get to know each other better and we took a little "pre-test" about what we knew about Christianity and the church.

Next week we will dig into the first lesson of the CREDO curriculum: Creation. If you are interested in learning more about this curriculum, you can see it HERE.

I am excited for what this year holds. Last year was my first attempt at Confirmation. I thought some things went well and some other things didn't go so well. I like this new curriculum and I think it offers opportunities that I did not have last year.

Stay tuned for future Confirmation updates!

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