Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Eve Service

For those in the area that might be interested in attending worship for Thanksgiving, we will be having a combined (Oakfield & Tabor) Thanksgiving Eve service:

Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service
November 24, 2010
Oakfield United Methodist Church
(220 South Main St.; Oakfield, WI 53065)

Included in the service:
  1. An opportunity to give God prayers of thanksgiving for everything that he has given us.
  2. An opportunity to donate food items to the Oakfield Food Pantry.
  3. An opportunity to donate money to the Good Samaritan Fund, supported by both the Oakfield and Tabor churches, that helps those who are struggling in our communities.
  4. We will be sharing Holy Communion as a part of this service. You need not be a member of Oakfield UMC or the United Methodist Church to participate in Communion.
I hope you might be able to make it out for this service!

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