Christa and I were at Lambeau Field last night to see the Green Bay Packers play the Minnesota Vikings. The game kicked off at about 7:20PM last night. The game did not end until about 10:30PM, and by the time we got onto Highway 41 it was midnight. We got back to Oakfield around 1:30AM. Somehow, I managed to get some sleep and am "functioning" this morning. Ideas are coming slower than normal, but I am getting by.
Last night's game was incredible. You could not have scripted a better game. Certainly, it was great that the Packers won. It was nice to beat the Vikings, and Brett Favre, in Lambeau Field.
Outside of the game, there were two moments that I really appreciated during the game. Minutes before kick-off, Packer Tramon Williams went over to a corner of the end zone and said a brief prayer before the game. It wasn't flashy and did not draw attention (except mine because I happened to be looking in that direction). Also after the game, players and coaches from both teams gathered at the 50 yard line for a post game prayer. This is not uncommon, but it was cool to see this in person.
Sadly, the excitement of the game and these touching moments was overshadowed by the embarrassing behaviors of Packer fans at the game. With any rivalry game, fans for both teams are going to try taunt the other fans. Unfortunately, our section of seating had a truly obnoxious Viking fan who consistent tormented fans around us. Although difficult to ignore, I did what I could. I wish my fellow fans would have done the same. I could not believe the things that they said to him. Most of them are not appropriate to post on this blog.
I would safely assume, demographically, that most of the people saying the things that they did would consider themselves Christians. Not so, based on what I saw last night. It was troubling, and embarrassing, to see and hear what happened during the game. What good does it do to disparage our fellow human beings?
Why must sports so often bring out the worst in people?
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