Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Can It Be November 2nd Already?

We have the opportunity to vote on November 2nd. There are a lot of important elections coming up. We are electing a new governor. One of our US Senate seats will be decided. There are many Wisconsin seats in the US House of Representatives that are hotly contested. The political environment in Wisconsin, and the United States is intense. With this being a mid-term election during the Obama administration, many are using the results as a barometer for his performance as president. There's a lot of money being spent and a lot of ads are out there. It would be hard to not realize that there is an election!

My hope is that you vote! You are welcome to vote for whoever you see as most qualified. I look forward to that day when we can fulfill our civic right and duty to vote. By then we won't have to listen to these political ads any more. Each year, candidates seem to outdo themselves with the vitriol and hate that they put into ads that bash their opponent. This year seems especially bad. Given our ability to fact check through the internet and others sources, some of these attack are being revealed as being partially or completely untrue.

Why would people resort to attack?

Why wouldn't their advertisements focus on what makes them qualified for the position?

Is the political environment simply built for us to be about as un-Christian as we can be?

What makes me sad is that many of these very politicians consider themselves to be Christians. Sad. They should act like it.

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