Over the last few weeks, I have finally set aside
some time each day to get working on organizing all of the paper for the Oakfield church. I found paperwork in Oakfield, Tabor and the parsonage and put it all together. I had to use some table space in the Fellowship Hall and in the parsonage basement, but I finally did some major recycling and organizing. The files are organized in a way that works for me.
I was able to borrow some furniture from the parsonage office and from the newly reorganized Sunday school rooms to fill out the office. I now have a nice space to meet with someone one on one, and I have
a desk that is now pretty much empty. It provides a wonderful meeting space and a wonderful workspace. If I can just keep up with the mail I get each day, the desk should stay that way! :-)
Of course, now that all of the Tabor paperwork is over at Tabor, that office has become something of a mess. That will be my next project. I am looking forward to having two offices that are organized and set up for work!
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