"Just so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." - Luke 15:10
Jesus tells two parables, both of which focus on seeking out something lost. He focuses on the joy and excitement that takes place when what was lost was found. Jesus is seeking a relationship with everyone. He wants to build a relationship with folks inside and outside of our churches.
This Sunday marks a time of new beginnings. Bible studies, new worship services, Confirmation, mission projects...among many other events and activities!!! Everything that we do is to help people form and build a strong relationship with Christ. It is my hope that we will all learn more about what it means to seek the lost in our world during our worship service.
This Sunday, we celebrate Rally Day at both churches. This means that Sunday School is starting.
At Tabor UMC, we will be presenting Bibles to all 6th-8th graders; we will have a brief ceremony to celebrate this occasion. We will be introduced to the first children's mission project. We will also prayer for all of the children and teachers that participate in Sunday School.
At Oakfield UMC, we are excited for some changes in our Sunday School program. Our Sunday School rooms have been redecorated for this year. We have a new curriculum for this year! We also will be having a prayer for the teachers and children that participate in our Sunday School program. We will also be taking the Noisy Can collection to help support church ministry projects.
The Scripture lessons for this Sunday are:
- Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28
- Psalm 14:1-7
- 1 Timothy 1:12-17
- Luke 15:1-10
I hope you will be able to join us in worship of God and in celebration of the beginning of our Sunday school programs. God bless!
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