According to some, the Mayan calendar tells us that the end of the world is coming on December 21, 2012. I recently heard on the radio that some believe that the world will end on May 21, 2011. The Left Behind series of books provided a detailed account of an interpretation of the Rapture, tribulation and end times. Thinking about what it will be like when Christ returns to us is both exciting and scary, and it is certainly filled with a lot of uncertainty. We want answers!
We know that Christ will return. He has promised this to us! What we don't know is when it will be. In this Sunday's gospel lesson, Jesus doesn't provide us all the answers, but he does teach how to be ready for the day when he does return.
The scripture readings for this Sunday are: Isaiah 1:1, 10-20, Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16, Psalm 50 (verses 1-8, 22-23) and Luke 12:32-40. I encourage you to read these in advance of our worship service this Sunday. If while reading, you have any questions, I would certainly be willing to talk to you about it.
I really do hope to see you in church this Sunday!
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