Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Meeting and Field Trip

This morning I had the opportunity to meet with Laureen, the Director of Religious Education for the Sons of Zebedee Catholic Parishes in Oakfield and Byron. Over the last few years, we have teamed up with the Catholic Church to put on a Vacation Bible School for the community.

I have met some great people from the Catholic church, but have never had the opportunity to see their church. When Laureen and I decided that we would meet to begin talking about VBS, I also asked if I could get a tour. I got to see their administrative building which has offices, a meeting room and a large fellowship. I got to see their sanctuary, which is beautiful. The sanctuary was built in 1867! Father Michael also gave me a tour of the rectory (parsonage). I learned a great deal.

I hopeful that we can grow the relationship between the Catholic and Methodist church. It starts with VBS, which Laureen and I are hoping to get started for 2010.

As an FYI, the 2010 Vacation Bible School will take place on August 4th and 5th. It will likely be taking place during the day. We will be having our first planning meeting on Thursday, June 10 at 7:00PM at Oakfield UMC.

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