I do enjoy living in the Oakfield community. It is quiet, peaceful and friendly. I like walking to get my mail each day and I appreciate how easy it is to take a walk and not worry about traffic.
The main drawback to living in Oakfield is that there is not much commercial development in the city. For almost anything, we need to travel to Fond du Lac. We have a gas station/convenience store, a bank, a salon and a bar/restaurant. We have a few other small business, but these are the ones that come to mind or are businesses we have frequented.
A few months ago I heard a rumor that they were doing to be putting a seven store strip mall in the lot where the grocery store used to be. Some were questioning if it would ever happen. It appears that this is going to happen! The picture that you see is what remains of one of the old buildings.
Christa and I have been trying to brainstorm a list of stores that we would like to see in there. I have to counter that with thinking of stores that also have the potential to survive in a city of 1,000 people. Thus far, I think a Subway would be great. I also think a ice cream/candy store may have some potential. Does anyone else have any ideas?
Regardless, I celebrate any steps that Oakfield makes to expand. Between this and the new housing development taking place by the old Belle Reynolds school, I an encouraged by what could happen in this community.
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