This is the internet blog for Jim Droste, pastor of the Oakfield & Tabor United Methodist Churches. I will be updating this blog daily hoping to cover: events, ideas, sermon introductions and other issues pertinent to the two churches and the greater Methodist community.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
True Worship
Asking what true worship looks like is sort of like asking what true love looks like. Like love, worship is an issue of the heart, not just of the mind. Worship may involve music, prayers, and religious symbols, but if your heart is not engaged in what you are doing, your worship will be empty.
I agree! Why do we come to worship each week? Do you feel as though you have to? Do you feel as though it's a requirement? Are you enjoying worship? Are you worshiping with your heart and your mind? Are you engaged in what is going on?
These are questions that we should ask ourselves before we come to worship. We shouldn't come out of obligation. We should come because we are excited for the opportunity we have to worship God. We should come because we are excited for the opportunity to thank God for all that he has done for us. We should come because we want to lift up our prayers and concerns to God.
Especially during Holy Week, let us think about why we worship. Let us come prepared for worship: body, mind and heart.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Some Changes
I received an E-mail from Blogger about some new layout options for the blog. I took advantage of them.
There may not be too many updates to the blog this week. In preparations for Holy Week and Easter services, I'm not sure how much time I'll have to blog. I'm also not sure of how many ideas might pop into my head.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Another Transition
I am proud of Christa for sticking with it. Even though there were some pretty trying days and frustrating moments in this experience, she made her way through it. She toughed it out. She gained some valuable experience! She will get to celebrate with some buffalo wings from BW3s! :-D
Tomorrow, she meets with the owners of Settler's Mill to begin her job as supervisor for the mini-golf course in Oshkosh. She will be stepping out of one position and into another, but this is a position that she is looking forward to. She will be the supervisor for all of the employees of the facility. She will have a greater role in how the operation is run. I can see this being a wonderful new opportunity for her.
I know Weaver will appreciate having Christa home more often. Leaving at 7:00AM and not returning until close to have caused some separation issues ;). It will also give me the necessary time to be able to run in the morning. Christa and I will also be able to see each other more often. And...we'll both be less crabby because we don't have to get up so early!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Facebook Bible Verses
A few days ago, with nothing left to put there, I put a Bible verse for my status. I have been doing this for almost a week. I received multiple comments from people who mention that this was a great start for their day, or that it was what they needed to pick themselves up when they were down.
I can tell you right now that God's Holy Word will go do much more good for those on Facebook than anything I can write. So, if you like the verses, you'll be seeing a lot more of it :-).
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Oakfield Youth Group at Work

The Oakfield Youth Group met this past Sunday to put the final touches on the relief bags for Haiti. With help from the congregation and some funds from the group, they were able to prepare 14 bags that will be mailed to help in the relief effort.
This picture was taken in the Youth Room as we were putting in the final components. From left to right: Christa Droste, Youth Group leader; Mack Shaffer & Robert Easterson.
Thank you to all of those who gave money or materials to make this happen.
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Shepherd

This is our dog, Weaver. She has grown up quite a bit since I've last blogged about her. She still demonstrates some puppy behavior, but she has grown up quite a bit. As you can see, she remains vigilant for our safety while we are in the house. She'll definitely let us know of if anyone gets near the's a blessing and a curse. :)
Each morning during the week, I take Weaver for a walk. We explore all sorts of places in Oakfield each day. This morning, our walk took us by a farm that has sheep. According to the agency that we adopted Weaver from, she is part Australian Shepherd. "We'll see how this goes," I thought to myself.
Weaver definitely got pretty excited as we walked by. She kept tugging against the leash and she barked a little bit. The sheep, however, were in a sheltered area as we approached. Once they saw Weaver they came out of the shelter. They came forward about twenty feet and stopped...they looked right at Weaver.
As we continued on our way, they walk with us, keeping their same distance, but still focused on her. They were not skittish; they did not look scared. It was as if they were just fascinated with her. Even when we left the area, they continued to look.
This little incident reminded me of Easter. No...I am not saying my dog is Jesus.
We celebrate Jesus' triumph over death at Easter. We use Lent as a time to prepare for his arrival at Easter. As he gets nearer we allow ourselves to be fixed on him. Living in a busy society, other things in life may cause us to keep a distance greater from Him then we'd like. But, we continue to focus. He makes us calm. His excitement to see us never changes. Even when Easter is over, it is our hope that we continue to stay focused on Jesus.
Weaver is a shepherd. Jesus is the Shepherd.
God be with you and keep you safe. Have a good weekend!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
New Commercial Opportunities

I do enjoy living in the Oakfield community. It is quiet, peaceful and friendly. I like walking to get my mail each day and I appreciate how easy it is to take a walk and not worry about traffic.
The main drawback to living in Oakfield is that there is not much commercial development in the city. For almost anything, we need to travel to Fond du Lac. We have a gas station/convenience store, a bank, a salon and a bar/restaurant. We have a few other small business, but these are the ones that come to mind or are businesses we have frequented.
A few months ago I heard a rumor that they were doing to be putting a seven store strip mall in the lot where the grocery store used to be. Some were questioning if it would ever happen. It appears that this is going to happen! The picture that you see is what remains of one of the old buildings.
Christa and I have been trying to brainstorm a list of stores that we would like to see in there. I have to counter that with thinking of stores that also have the potential to survive in a city of 1,000 people. Thus far, I think a Subway would be great. I also think a ice cream/candy store may have some potential. Does anyone else have any ideas?
Regardless, I celebrate any steps that Oakfield makes to expand. Between this and the new housing development taking place by the old Belle Reynolds school, I an encouraged by what could happen in this community.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Office to Come

I figured I could grab a table and a chair and get to work. But, without a completed phone jack and access to supplies, it seemed like a stretch. So, I went upstairs to the multipurpose room.
I can say that I am excited for the first time when I can use this new office. There is a great deal to look forward to:
- I will appreciate having a space in the church that allows for complete privacy. I can meet with people knowing that no one else has access to that room.
- My office is right by the entrance to the church. No more searching for the pastor's office!
- I can come in to prepare for Sunday services without interruption. It's not that I don't appreciate meeting with people before church.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
A Deep Breathe Day
Between that and getting up at 5:30AM this morning, I was pretty beat. It wasn't until I looked on my to-do list application on my phone that I realized how much I really had to do today. My total work time was shrunk by the fact that I had to meet with my clergy mentor as I prepare for my yearly meeting with the District Committee on Ministry. It was a wonderful meeting and it was great to see Lucretia again, but it did take away from my work day.
I made some great progress on the to-do list today. But, it was the technology stuff that got me messed up. I was trying to work on the website and nothing was working with it. The formatting is off, fonts are matching and I accidentally deleted some stuff. After 20 futile minutes up not making any progress, I finally just stopped! I greatly enjoy that we have a website and I think it is a wonderful way to keep the community informed about what we are doing. But, it takes up a lot of time to keep updated.
I have really had some lessons in long-range planning and prioritizing those things that need to get done. This was the first day where I wasn't able to get done everything that I wanted to get done. It's hard to believe there was a time when I wondered what I would do to fill up the it felt like there was too much! It is good to know that I will stay busy, and find a way to manage everything. :-D
Friday, March 12, 2010
March 14, 2010 Service
This Sunday is also a United Methodist Sunday with a special offering. We will take an offering for One Great Hour of Sharing. If you would like to know more about this offering, please click here. I hope you will consider giving additional money to this worthy cause.
At the Oakfield church, we will be taking the "Noisy Cans" offering as well. This offering is taken the second Sunday of the month. It is comprised of the loose change that you have with you. It is an offering taken by the Sunday school kids...the money raised from this offering goes to help mission work in Senegal.
At the Tabor church, we will be celebrating a moment of Christian witness. Church member Irene Schrubbe will be sharing her Christian journey with us during the worship service!
The Bible readings for this Sunday are:
- Joshua 5:9-12
- 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
- Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
Thursday, March 11, 2010
It's Only Every Six Months
It's not the pain that scares me. I rarely feel pain at the dentist. What preoccupies me is when the dentist or hygienist reveals that you have a cavity or some other problem with your teeth. I feel as though I have disappointed, that kind of work costs money.
The cost is magnified by the fact that now we do not have any dental insurance. We had really good dental coverage while I was a Residence Hall Director, but as a pastor we our not offered a dental plan. It's amazing how much routine dental work costs!
This visit was a good one. No cavities or other concerns. The cost was not as much as I had expected. Now I can relax for the next six months...until I have my next appointment. I will keep up on my flossing and brushing!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

With the carpet installed, we are one step closer to being able to use our new addition. Except for a just a few cosmetic items, the inside of the addition is done. We have raised some money that has been earmarked for new furniture.
I am looking forward to seeing this new addition in action. Of course I am looking forward to a new office, but I think the additional room will provide us with some wonderful opportunities.
We are currently trying to finalize a date for our celebration of the addition. We wanted to pick a time in the summer when the landscaping will be completed and we can take in the full experience of everything that we have done to improve the church.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Droid Update
This is the one week anniversary of my new phone, the Droid ERIS. The first few days that I had the phone, I was overwhelmed by everything that this phone could. I wasn't sure how much I would be able to figure out, or if it would even be worth it to keep the phone. It only took a few days, but already there is a lot that I have been using:
- There is a program that I downloaded that helps tabulate and record billable mileage; it also exports monthly reports via E-mail.
- I found a program that helps track prayer concerns; it also allows you to E-mail those prayer concerns to folks.
- I found a very sophisticated "to-do list" program that does an excellent job sorting tasks into various categories.
- I have incorporated my prayer time into my daily works with Weaver. :) There is a GPS-related program that tracks how far (and how fast) I complete my daily walks with her.
- Along with all this I can check my mail anywhere, sync my calendar between my phone and computer, along with other tasks.
Friday, March 5, 2010
A Phone Call
There was a gentleman on the line that had a theological question. He called the church looking for someone to talk to. He was struggling with an issue that happened eight years ago that he recently remembered. He was new to the area and hadn't found a church yet. He found me :). We talked about his question. I'm not sure how much help I provided, but he did say that by talking with someone about it, it helped him figure out a solution. I offered my own thoughts on how me might be able to be at peace with his concern.
This week I got so caught up in the administrative portions of my pastoral role that I appreciated an opportunity to offer pastoral care.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Reflections on Lenten Service
More than anything, I am excited when I know everyone at worship comes away with something to think about. I am excite when I know folks come away feel more confident about seeing the meaning in God's Word.
I realize that as a pastor for two churches, my time is limited. But, I would really like to explore the opportunities in an alternative-type worship service during the week. I think we could rotate it between the churches and have a similar format. I think there is a real ministry opportunity here. We'll see what the future holds.
Another Thought
Wednesdays, for many churches, are a popular night for programming. It is a common night for choir practices. Some churches have a programming night. Some even offer a meal beforehand. At our churches, we have Confirmation on Wednesday evenings. During Lent, we had to move Confirmation, which has become quite difficult to re-schedule. In speaking with another pastor in the Fond du Lac area, he said they moved their Lenten services to Thursday evenings.
This may be a little non-traditional, but this is something that I may put out there as an idea for our Lenten services in the future. I am realizing that 2-hour Confirmation classes can test the attention span of both and the students and the teacher. I am envisioning classes that are 60 to 90 minutes. This would mean more classes. I like having the classes on Wednesday nights, so I am going to explore the possibility of moving our Lenten services to Thursday nights. That's a year away, so we can hold off on that for now :).
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Technology Frustration
This last week, we have struggled with getting it to print anything. Through some investigative work, with the help of the Fond du Lac Cartridge World folks, we were able to figure out that we were haviung issue with the printer head. The replacement did not work either. We are stumped.
I think this may be the time to upgrade. I will be doing some shopping this afternoon. We have a lot of printing to do Friday and I hope we can have something new working by Friday. Outsourcing printing can get expensive!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Technology Upgrade

...update, the truck came by. I am now the proud owner of a Droid ERIS phone (see picture to the right).
I have resisted the temptation to upgrade to a Smartphone, but I finally given in. I will appreciate the opportunity to be able to check E-mail at either church or in other locations that I spend my time. I will appreciate having my calendar backed up, but also available on my phone. Plus, the phone just looks pretty cool.
I am currently waiting for it to fully charge so that I can program it and get it ready. Exciting!