Over the first few weeks of my appointment, I was trying to get settled in. I was taking decorations from my offices before and trying to incorporate them into the office at the Oakfield Church. This meant also trying to incorporate items that were already in the office.
I inherited a plant. The plant was doing OK, but I assumed that it was lacking water during the pastoral transition. I was pretty good at watering it at first. But, soon I started to forget to water it. My mind was occupied with other things...my plant was starting to die.
I thought all was lost. One of the members of the Oakfield Church noticed that state of my plant. She cleans the church regularly and she added a watering of my plant to the rotation. She said it would grow back quickly. It did. It is now very green and even has a beautiful pink blossom on it.
I am preparing a sermon for this Sunday about the many parts of the body of Christ. There are no small tasks. Sadly, watering the plant got lost. It wasn't important. To someone else, who loves taking care of the plants of the church, this is very important. We all have skills and talents. We all must use them for the betterment of our church. It's good to know that my plant is in good hands.
In Christ, we are all in good hands. We need only think about the way we can contribute to the growth of His church.
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