Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Joys of Technology

Christa tells me over and over how much she doesn't like technology. My usual response is that she just better get used to it because we are getting more and more reliant on technology, whether she likes or not.

We do not have an iPad, an iPod Touch, DVR, BluRay and many of the other cutting edge technologies in our home. We are content with an HDTV and a DVD player. We seem to be getting by just fine.

A few months ago, after much thought, I upgraded my phone and got a "smartphone." This of course meant a "data plan" which means that I need to spend extra money for the phone and the plan.

So far, I have enjoyed having the phone and the plan. I have discovered lots of applications through my phone that have helped me to be more organized in work and life. I especially found a task list program that works really great!

Two issues within the last two weeks:
  • While getting ready on a Sunday morning, my phone slipped out of my hands an landed screen down on the floor. The glass now looks more like a spiderweb...but the phone still works. Not wanting to drop the money for a new phone and too cheap to by the insurance, I used some packing tape and the phone still functions.
  • When upgrading from a free to a paid version of my To Do list application, I did not know that my doing the upgrade, all of the tasks that I had thus far would be deleted. I tried to remember the 68 tasks that I had in there before. I got up to 59...so we'll see what I foget to get done in the next few weeks.
Oh the joys of technology!

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