Thursday, April 1, 2010

Maundy Thursday

Today's entry comes to you from the confines of the Oakfield UMC pastor's office. The warmer weather allows me to have the office window. In addition to some fresh air, I also get a much stronger wireless signal.

It is wonderful to look outside and see the sun, see green grass, see birds and see new life beginning. I get so caught up in the excitement of warmer weather that I forget where we are in our Christian calendar.

Tonight at 7:00PM at the Oakfield church we will be having a Maundy Thursday service. Communion will be a part of the service. We will be using a musical setting for the Communion liturgy. I thought it might be helpful to do something different for Communion so that it might break us of the routine. As we celebrate the Last Supper, I think it is important for us to concentrate on the words that Jesus said to his disciples.

My sermon this evening will focus on John's account of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples. Unlike Mark, Matthew and Luke, who focus on the Last Supper, John focuses on the washing of the feet. There is much that Jesus is trying to tell us in this act. I hope you are able to attend tonight's service to learn more about it.

The warmer weather makes us happy. Easter is coming! But, let us not forget what had to happen for us to be able to celebrate Easter. See you in church!

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