Friday, October 30, 2009

Staying Calm

There's a lot going on right now that can easily generate a great deal of argument and frustration. Specifically this week, there are three things that have been discussed this week:
  • Brett Favre's return to Lambeau Field. Vikings vs. Packers...who will win?
  • The Health Care Reform Bill goes up for a vote soon.
  • The Stimulus...has it worked or not?
Using Facebook as an example, I am saddened to see all of the mean-spirited chatter that goes around on these issues. Are we not allowed to have a spirited dialogue without it turning into passive-aggressive bickering? I've talking about it before, but we are losing our ability to engage in discussion anymore. Even if you are firm in your beliefs, you should still be entitled to express a different view without being mocked and made fun of.

I don't know where this has come from, but it frustrates me. Can't we disagree and be civil?

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