Friday, October 2, 2009

Charlie Wilson's War

Last night Christa and I watched Charlie Wilson's War. It's certainly not a kid's film, having plenty of bad language and sexual content. Despite all of that, I think this movie has a few powerful messages for the viewer:

(1) Flawed folks are capable of doing good - Charlie Wilson accomplished some pretty amazing things in the movie, but he wasn't the most likely hero. He had a drinking problem. He didn't really care about his constituents, besides getting re-elected. He did drugs. He hung out with some seedy individuals. Yet, he paved the way to some amazing successes for shown in the movie.

(2) Sometimes you need to a see problem before you're willing to do something - It wasn't until Charlie Wilson saw the effects of war on the Afghani people did he realize he needed to do something. I think this applies to us as well. It's easy for us to dismiss some of the world's larger problems...hunger...poverty..sickness. I imagine my worldview would change if I saw the looks of children who were hungry or those who were sick. It might be a little higher on my priority list.

I encourage you to see the movie. It's a movie that makes you think...and that's a good thing.

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